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10. 01. 2013 Druckversion | Artikel versenden| Kontakt

Fahrschüler beschweren sich über schwierigere Führerscheinprüfungen

Schlagwörter: Fahrschüler Führerscheinprüfung China

"I'm very disappointed, Ni said. "The only thing they are concerned about is money."

City authorities said earlier they will monitor driving schools for illegal price hikes.

The new regulations add test items for learners, who face stricter standards. In response, driving schools said prices will rise in line with "cost increases and prolonged learning periods."

The new regulation puts more attention on dangerous driving and rookie drivers.

Rookies with less than one year of driving experience are now required to be accompanied by experienced drivers if they want to take expressways, where severe accidents are more frequent, police said.

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Quelle: german.china.org.cn

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