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Brigitte Lin/林青霞          Datum: 31. 08. 2007

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Name: Brigitte Lin

Geburtstag: 3. November 1954

Geburtsort: Taiwan

Herkunftsort: Provinz Shandong

Körpergröße: 165 cm

Filmografie (Teil):

The Three Swordsmen/刀剑笑 (1994)

The Dragon Chronicles - The Maidens/新天龙八部之天山童姥 (1994)

Fire Dragon/火云传奇 (1994)

Deadful Melody/六指琴魔 (1994)

Ashes of Time/东邪西毒 (1994)

ChungKing Express/重庆森林 (1994)

The Bride With White Hair/白发魔女传 (1993)

The Eagle Shooting Heroes/射雕英雄传之东成西就 (1993)

The Bride With White Hair II/白发魔女传 II (1993)

Black Panther Warriors/黑豹天下 (1993)

Boys Are Easy/追男仔 (1993)

Swordsman III: East is Red/东方不败 II之风云再起 (1993)

Dragon Inn/新龙门客栈 (1992)

Royal Tramp II/鹿鼎记 II之神龙教 (1992)

Royal Tramp/鹿鼎记 (1992)

The Peach Blossom Land/暗恋桃花源 (1992)

Handsome Siblings/绝代双骄 (1992)

Swordsman II/笑傲江湖 II:东方不败 (1992)

Red Dust/滚滚红尘 (1990)

Web of Deception/惊魂记 (1989)

Starry is the Night/今夜星光灿烂 (1988)

The Thirty Million Rush/横财三千万 (1987)

Project A II/A计划续集 (1987)

Peking Opera Blues/刀马旦 (1986)

Dream Lovers/梦中人 (1986)

Police Story/警察故事 (1985)

Project A/A计划 (1984)

Zu: Warriors from the Magic Mountain/新蜀山剑侠 (1983)

Outside the Window/窗外 (1973)

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