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20. 11. 2012 Druckversion | Artikel versenden| Kontakt

Vorbereitungen für 4G-Netzwerk in ganz China

Schlagwörter: 4G, TD-LTE, China, Qingdao, Ericsson, China Mobile

Preparing for a 4G network across China

A bus installed with professional testing equipment is driven slowly along the main roads in Qingdao's Huangdao development zone. Engineers watch a screen in the center area of the vehicle, checking ever-changing numbers that reflect the status of a TD-LTE 4G trial network.

The average download rate is around 35 megabits per second, with the maximum rate sometimes reaching 95 mbps. When engineers open a popular TV drama on the Chinese video website Youku.com, there is almost no download waiting time and the picture quality is good.

It is a common scenario for Ericsson China's engineers on the newly constructed TD-LTE trial network. The Standard is a homegrown technology largely promoted by China Mobile, the nation's biggest telecom carrier.

"Compared with 2G and 3G networks, the TD-LTE network will enable people to do more things with mobile phones. For example, you can watch movies, have video conferences and complete tasks that use large data traffic," said Li Jiangli, senior customer solution manager at Ericsson China.

Telecom equipment vendors including Ericsson are closely cooperating with China Mobile to deploy and test TD-LTE trial networks. Only through various tests under different circumstances can equipment suppliers gather experience and prepare well for their future commercial use, she added.

In Qingdao, Ericsson tested the possibility of updating GSM 2G base stations directly to the 4G TD-LTE base stations. "The solution does not only provide quality 4G functions but also greatly reduces the construction cost for telecom operators," said Chang Gang, chief marketing officer of Ericsson China.

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Quelle: german.china.org.cn

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