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19. 12. 2012 Druckversion | Artikel versenden| Kontakt

Reiche Chinesen wandern weiter ins Ausland ab

Schlagwörter: Abwanderung , Lebensqualität , Eigenkapital


Rich Chinese continue to move abroad warns report

A report on China's migration status released Monday says the trend of an increasing number of high net-worth Chinese migrating overseas will continue in the coming years.

According to the Annual Report on Chinese International Migration 2012, the main factors driving such migration include a pursuit of richer educational resources, safer investment environments and improved quality of life.

The report, published by the Social Sciences Academic Press, noted that the trend is likely to bring losses to the country in terms of assets and talents, pose obstacles for China's supervision of non-performing assets and complicate the development of its substantial economy.

According to the report, there were more than 45 million overseas Chinese in 2010, the world's greatest population of emigrants.

In 2011, 150,000-plus Chinese gained permanent residency in major immigration destinations. The United States, Canada and Australia were the top three destination countries.

The report said most immigrants are high net worth individuals with investments in real estate and stocks.


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Quelle: german.china.org.cn

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