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14. 11. 2012 Druckversion | Artikel versenden| Kontakt

Wissenschaftlicher Ansatz von Chinas Entwicklung beispielhaft für andere Länder

Schlagwörter: Parteitag KP China

Scientific outlook on development good for countries: experts

As the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) is under way, foreign experts and officials said the scientific outlook on development is not only important to China's future development, but exemplary for other developing nations.

Indrananda Abeysekera, president of the Association for Sri Lanka- China Social and Cultural Cooperation, said that in face of new challenges, the CPC leadership has brought forward new governing philosophies and policies, among which the scientific outlook on development is a major one.

During the past decade, China's development was particularly noticeable, he said.

Under the CPC's leadership, China has achieved balanced development of urban and rural areas, of the economy and the society, of man and nature, and of domestic progress and opening up to the outside world, he said.

Abeysekera said China's development has not only promoted people's livelihood, but also contributed to world prosperity.

While China enjoys favorable economic growth, it has also helped other countries and made contributions to peace and development in the world, he added.

Gerishon Ikiara, a Kenyan economist, told Xinhua that the scientific outlook on development has been raised to new theoretic heights, and will guide the CPC's future policy-making.

The scientific outlook on development places people's interests at the core of decision-making, and requires practical approaches to development problems, he said. The theory has also provided space for innovation, he added.

Donald Lewis, a research fellow at Stanford Law School, said in a written interview with Xinhua that the CPC leadership has successfully led the country upwards by adhering to the theory of scientific outlook on development.

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Quelle: german.china.org.cn

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