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24. 01. 2013 Druckversion | Artikel versenden| Kontakt

Shanghai: Microsoft geht gegen 13 PC-Wiederverkäufer vor

Schlagwörter: Microsoft Windows-System Raubkopie

Microsoft to act against 13 resellers

Microsoft Corp planned to take "legal action" against 13 Shanghai-based computer resellers who sold users branded computers with pre-installed counterfeit Windows system, the US software giant said Tuesday in Shanghai.

Demonstrating its resolute determination to protect intellectual property rights after it unveiled the latest Windows 8 at the end of last year, Microsoft intends to act against the 13 resellers of branded PCs, including such brands like Acer, Asus, Dell, HP and Lenovo, for dealing in counterfeit Windows software.

The action to be taken includes official warning and lawsuits if necessary, according to industry insiders.

"Shanghai is one of the most important and dynamic PC markets in China," Tim Cranton, associate general counsel of Microsoft, said yesterday in the city. "We are here to take the campaign to Shanghai to enhance the understanding of local consumers of the devastating security risks caused by counterfeit software."

More than 91 percent of computers were found to contain malware or security vulnerabilities, Microsoft discovered in a recent survey in the Chinese mainland. The company bought 169 PCs in IT malls and shops in more than 40 cities in China.

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Quelle: german.china.org.cn

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